Data Requestors & Consumers

Data Requestors & Consumers

Data Requestors & Consumers

Empowering Users in the Data Ecosystem

Empowering Users in the Data Ecosystem

In a data and privacy solution powered by blockchain and verifiable credentials, data requestors and consumers are no longer passive participants in their data journey. They become active players, empowered to control their information and engage in secure data exchanges. Let's delve into the roles and benefits for each group:

Data requestors are entities that require verification of someone's identity or attributes to make informed decisions. This could include employers verifying job qualifications, banks performing KYC (Know Your Customer) checks, or universities confirming educational background.


A Paradigm Shift in Data Interaction

BharatID data and privacy solution fundamentally shifts the power dynamic. Data requestors benefit from efficient and secure verification processes, while data consumers gain control over their information and choose how it's shared. This collaborative approach fosters trust and transparency within the ecosystem, paving the way for a more secure and user-centric digital world.